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ARMS Feedback Session on NHMRC Sapphire

        Darwin Convention Centre -  Auditorium 2
        Wednesday, 11 September 2024
       13.05PM - 13.51PM 

We invite all ARMS 2024 conference delegates to attend our upcoming feedback session. This is a unique opportunity to share your thoughts and experiences with the NHMRC Sapphire product. Your insights are invaluable in helping us improve and evolve Sapphire to better meet your needs.​During the session, we will discuss various aspects of Sapphire, including its features, usability, and impact on your work. Whether you’re a seasoned user or new to Sapphire, we want to hear from you. Your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the future of Sapphire.​Don’t miss this chance to make your voice heard and contribute to the continuous improvement of NHMRC Sapphire. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Research Impact Special Interest Group Meeting

        Darwin Convention Centre - Meeting Rooms 3&4
        Wednesday, 11 September 2024
       13.05PM - 13.51PM 

The Research Impact SIG co-convenors invite you to join us for an interactive session of Research Impact Bingo! Building on the success of the 2023 conference networking bingo, we’ve updated the game with more impact, more crocodiles, and even better prizes! This is a great opportunity to meet the co-convenors, connect with other Research Impact SIG members, and have some fun whilst making new connections. We look forward to seeing you there.


Faith, Catherine, Julie and Helen.

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AI in Research Management

        Darwin Convention Centre - Waterfront Room 1
        Wednesday, 11 September 2024
       13.05PM - 13.51PM 

Want to learn more about what ARMS is doing in the AI space?

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Post-Award Research Management Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting

        Darwin Convention Centre - Waterfront Room 2
        Wednesday, 11 September 2024
       13.05PM - 13.51PM 

*This meeting is by Invitation only

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First Nation Research Special Interest Group Meeting

        Darwin Convention Centre - Waterfront Room 3
        Wednesday, 11 September 2024
       13.05PM - 13.51PM 

Join Us for a Special Lunch-Time Session!

The First Nations Research SIG warmly invites all Indigenous and First Nations Research Managers to a lunch-time gathering. Come and have a kōrero, a yarn, a talanoa, a chat, a laugh, or simply enjoy your lunch in good company.

You don’t need to be a member of the SIG to participate—this is a wonderful opportunity to meet, connect, and build relationships with one another.


ARMS Choir Practice Session

        Darwin Convention Centre -  Auditorium 2
        Thursday, 12 September 2024
       12.15PM - 13.01PM 

*Choir Members Only

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Unlocking Efficiency and Transparency:

Macquarie University's Innovative Full Economic Costing Solution.   

        Darwin Convention Centre - Meeting Rooms 3&4
        Thursday, 12 September 2024
        12.15PM - 12.35PM 

Join us to explore Macquarie University's realisation of the needs and benefits of implementing a full economic costing (fEC) methodology to pre-empt alignment with potential changes driven by the Universities Accord. Inspired by successful practices from the United Kingdom, learn about Infonetica’s fEC solution to streamline cost calculations and provide a comprehensive method to track all potential expenses. Discover how Macquarie intends to use this approach to reduce researchers' workloads and ensure budget transparency and accuracy, especially with Partnerships.  Join this session to enhance your understanding of improving research funding efficiency and sustainability at your institution.

The Costing and Pricing Tool - A demonstration by ResearchMaster

        Darwin Convention Centre -  Waterfront Room 1
        Thursday, 12 September 2024
       12.15PM - 13.01PM 

The ResearchMaster team will be seizing this opportunity to offer a demonstration of our Costing and Pricing Tool to attendees at this year’s conference. It’s a tool we’ve designed to streamline budgeting for projects. It helps research administrators and finance teams ensure budget transparency and accuracy, right down to often-overlooked line items like consumables or year-on-year personnel cost changes. Please join us for our demonstration

Discussion Forum on Major Research Initiatives

        Darwin Convention Centre -  Waterfront Room 2
        Thursday, 12 September 2024
       12.15PM - 13.01PM 

Join us to discuss the establishment of a community of practice charged with the strategic and operational capacities in handling large-scale, complex funding opportunities, including major national and international grants

Discussion Led by Vesna Stefanovski, Swinburne University of Technology

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Research Funders Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting

        Darwin Convention Centre -  Waterfront Room 3
        Thursday, 12 September 2024
       12.15PM - 13.01PM 

Come along and join this casual in-person lunchtime get-together session. It will be an opportunity to meet other Research Funder SIG members and get to know each other.

*This meeting is by Invitation only

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